If you are looking for a speaker for your next event, I would love to connect with you. Whether you are looking for a keynote speaker, someone to run a workshop, or setting up a panel, I would love to see if I can provide value to your audience.

My main presentation is aligned with the Connection Expansion Book and covers the value of shifting to many-to-many relationships and how to go about building a high-impact networking using the Connection Expansion Exercise and the Connection Expansion System. There is a lot covered in the book and, thus, the presentation can be tailored to best fit your audience and your event.

I have given over a hundred presentations to audiences of all sizes and demographics over the last decade. Having owned a variety of businesses and worked with more than 500 businesses, I am able to speak on a variety of other topics as well. I love customizing a presentation that is fully aligned with your audience and event, should a standard presentation on Connection Expansion not be a fit.

Here are some additional topics that I can present:

  • Marketing
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Sales
  • Networking
  • General Business Strategy
  • Relationship Building
  • Personal To Professional Alignment
  • Motivation
  • Niche Marketing & Expansion
  • 5 Pillars of Business

Here are some of the organizations I have worked with:

I wanted to thank you again for the advice and information you provided for my students.   I cannot express how much I value your time and advice.  Several of the students express their gratitude for the experience throughout the day. Today several teachers who teach senior classes asked about the presentation and how they could participate in the future; which, speaks volumes about your impact on the kids. 

Mr. Shoda, Galena High School

Well, first of all, a BIG thank you once again for taking an excellent class on entrepreneurship! It was amazing-you are so much knowledgeable on subjects that you speak on! I’m highly impressed!

M. Rahman , Truckee Meadows Community College

Thank you so much for coming to class yesterday! Your presentation and depth of insight continues to inspire me more each semester. You grabbed all of the students attention and kept them engaged throughout the session, which is quite the skill. I love how you fielded the students questions at the end of your guest lecture too. I can see why you are a natural at consulting. Just a quick note….a student came up to me after class today to say that typically guest speakers are horrible, but he loved you! He thanked me for inviting you to class because he enjoyed your presentation so much…he said you are his favorite guest speaker so far. Add it to the list of others who have said the same thing

S. Huddy, Sierra Nevada University

First off, I would like to sincerely say thank you for coming into my entrepreneurship class today at SNC and sharing your incredibly grounding and inspiring message with my classmates and I. I had the privilege to speak with you after class and talk about the role that money plays in making a positive change on the world and am very thankful for your advice. I’ve listened to many business speakers throughout my educational life, but I’ve never been able to walk away with such personally applicable lessons — until listening to what you shared with me today.

Ikela L. , Student - Sierra Nevada University

Just wanted to thank you, it was a great speech yesterday at the college! That was something you don’t hear everyday, everybody in the class was impressed

A. Feusi, Student - Truckee Meadows Community College

Anyway, I wanted to take the time to let you know that I really appreciated your time and information which you shared here at the Camp on Friday. You have a very unique skill in addressing people situated in this environment. I am sure there are many who don’t appreciate what you had brought forward and may never utilize the information. As for me, I do appreciate you and do plan to utilize the information to get off to a quick start.

J. Lawler , FCI Herlong

Today, I had the pleasure of listening to a great presentation “The Life of an Entrepreneur” that was made by Devin Sizemore. That’s exactly what I needed! Thank you, Devin!

E. Mucha , Student - Truckee Meadows Community College

Thanks for your presentation today.  Students loved it.  And for the first time ever at the end of the class one of the students stood up and invited everyone to her home to get to know each other better. It was amazing! I thought it was an amazing way to end the class and I thank you for giving them that challenge (and opportunity).  

R. Donohue , Truckee Meadows Community College

Thank you again for coming and speaking to the IBC. you have created quite a “buzz” and a lot of members are talking about you.

C. Meals, International Business Club at UNR

I really enjoyed the presentation that you gave to the 8th graders at the convention center today.  All of the ideas would certainly give a young person, or anyone for that matter, a taste of what it is like to be an entrepreneur. Thanks for sharing with all of us.

K. Hirsch , WCSD - Career Day