The Connection Expansion System™ is a scalable, duplicatable framework designed to generate predictable and consistent referrals. This system is more than just theory; it’s a practical blueprint that includes precise language and scripts to set you up for success. By learning to find value in every relationship and implementing this proven strategy, you’ll be able to scale your networking efforts far beyond what you previously thought possible.

Below I have outlined the Core Principles and some of the key aspects of the Connection Expansion System.

Everything outlined below is covered in depth in the Connection Expansion Book.

A System Built On Core Principles

As I have built and refined the Connection Expansion System™ over the last decade for myself and hundreds of clients, there have been many minor adjustments that have increased the overall results, but the core principles have always been the same:

Always Add Value

Control What You Can Control

There Is Value In Every Relationship

Never Make Assumptions About A Connection

You Have To Train By Doing

I cover these in-depth in the Connection Expansion Book

Connection Expansion Exercise

The first step to unlocking the power of the system is to go through the Connection Expansion Exercise and really shift who you are looking to be connected with and have a deep understanding of why this shift will have a lasting impact in how you build your network. Learn More.

Making New Connections

Once you understand who you want to be connected with and why, then you can start adding new connections to your network in a strategic and meaningful way. How you start the conversation with people will dictate the long-term value of those relationships.

Booking Connection meetings

You have the most control over the process if you are able to schedule meetings with people who are in your network (whether new or established relationships). In order to book the most meetings you have to change the language you are using to book the meetings and realign your overall approach to support the system.

Successful Connection meeting Structure

Once you book a Connection Meeting, it is important to make sure you don’t slip into old habits of “selling” and follow an approach that truly positions you to learn about the other person in a way that will help you maximize your ability to add value during the follow up process.

Following Up From Connection Meetings

One way to have success throughout the process is to have a timely plan for following up. When and how you follow up after a Connection Meeting is what will determine if you are able to create a network that will make connections for you.

Long-term Connection Nurturing

Every single contact in your database that has had some sort of conversation with you should be nurtured over time. There is a way to do this that maximizes the response rate, is highly personalized, yet is scalable. You need to make sure you are committed to the process long-term as this is where the exponential growth kicks in.

Contact & Task Management

Although it is possible to have success with the Connection Expansion System without a contact and task management system, it will be much easier and you will have a lot more success if you have a CRM in place. This will allow you to manage contacts and track tasks associated to those contacts. In the book I provide best practices for task and contact management. Please note that you should keep this simple. I have seen plenty of people fail at this step as they spend a lot of time building the “perfect” solution, instead of doing the real work.

Unlocking The Power Of Your Network

A huge benefit to the system is the ability to reengage your current network in a different way, thus leading to very different results in the value that you current network is providing to you. If you are able to book three meetings with high-value contacts (an output of the Connection Expansion Exercise), and follow the Connection Meeting framework and the rest of the process, you will be well on your way to success with the Connection Expansion System.